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Most people often overlook wild herbs and plants as little more than bothersome weeds. However, to the trained eye, these seemingly innocuous plants can be a veritable treasure trove of medicinal and functional herbs that can be added to your survival stockpile. Many of these plants can be used as natural remedies or survival foods. That's why familiarizing yourself with your local flora and learning how to forage are important prepping skills that are useful in both daily life and during SHTF scenarios.

Our staff at the Health Ranger Store has extensively researched a wide range of the most useful and versatile edible wild herbs and plants that you can likely find anywhere around your local natural areas or even in your own backyard. We then selected 33 of the most important ones you need to know about and compiled information on them into one convenient E-book.

Learn how to identify and forage for edible wild plants and herbs with this free E-book from

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