Stress is something everyone is familiar with. For some, stress is an unpleasant feeling they’re forced to deal with occasionally, while for others, it can be an everyday burden. Because life, especially in the 21st century, is very fast-paced and full of pressure, many people find themselves constantly drained, stressed out and struggling with an unhealthy mental state.
According to experts, stress is a normal reaction to changes in pressure. In fact, our bodies are designed to experience stress and overcome it – provided, of course, that we are in optimal condition health-wise to do so. [1] But if our bodies are missing one or two crucial components, such as certain nutrients that help regulate our physical and emotional responses, stress could become a huge problem that can negatively affect how other parts of our body function.
One of the nutrients that plays an important role in our normal stress response is magnesium. A major mineral that is used and stored by your body in large quantities, magnesium helps drive hundreds of different enzymatic reactions that are needed for the proper regulation of various bodily functions. [2][3] These include the production of proteins, the normal performance of your nerves and muscles, and the maintenance of blood sugar and blood pressure control.
Magnesium is naturally present in the environment, particularly in rocks, soil and water. It is from these that plants absorb the magnesium they provide to the animals and humans who consume them. But despite its abundance in nature, researchers have observed a steady decline in magnesium levels in edible crops and, consequently, in humans. In the U.S. alone, close to 70% of the population under the age of 71 and about 80% over the age of 71 are reportedly not getting enough magnesium from the foods they eat. [4]
According to a study published in Heliyon, several factors may have brought about this magnesium deficiency in plants. In particular, modern agricultural practices, such as the widespread use of potassium fertilizers, appear to be the biggest culprits. Because potassium is a magnesium antagonist, the practice of boosting soil potassium using fertilizers has significantly reduced the ability of plant roots to absorb magnesium from the soil. [5] This has led to more fresh produce that is low in magnesium being sold in groceries and magnesium deficiency becoming more prevalent.
Unfortunately, numerous studies have found a link between magnesium deficiency and an increased risk of mental health problems, such as stress, anxiety and depression. [6][7] In fact, a study published in the journal Nutrients described the relationship between magnesium deficiency and stress as a “vicious circle” because stress could increase magnesium loss and cause a deficiency, while magnesium deficiency could enhance the body’s susceptibility to stress. [8]
With how pressure-filled modern day-to-day life is and how magnesium deficiency has become a widespread problem due to unhealthy diets and/or nutritionally deficient foods, it is no longer surprising that many people today are struggling to deal with stress and suffer from poor mental health. This is exactly why paying attention to your nutritional needs, especially your magnesium intake, should be a top priority for everyone.
The importance of Magnesium for your physical and mental health
Your physical and mental health have a deeper connection than you might think. Having physical health issues can lead you to develop poor mental health. [9] In fact, according to the Mental Health Foundation, nearly one in three people who suffer from a long-term physical condition also develop mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety. [10] In a similar way, having poor mental health can elevate your risk of developing chronic physical conditions.
This is true for people dealing with chronic stress or anxiety. Experts say that the continued activation of your stress response can cause wear and tear on your body over time. This causes physical symptoms to manifest, such as aches and pains, exhaustion, difficulty sleeping, headaches, digestive problems and a weakened immune system. Many chronic conditions have also been linked to chronic stress, such as metabolic problems and serious heart issues. [11][12]
In the case of the latter, researchers have found that chronic stress can increase your blood cholesterol and blood pressure. These are two of the major risk factors for heart disease. [13] Every time you’re under stress, your body releases a surge of hormones that cause your heart to beat faster and your blood vessels to narrow. [14] These are part of your body’s normal stress response, which tends to last only briefly.
But for people suffering from chronic stress, their stress response doesn’t get shut off; instead, their levels of the stress hormone cortisol continue to rise. According to studies, high levels of cortisol can increase not just your blood pressure but also your blood cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar levels. [15] This is how chronic stress contributes to serious heart problems. Similarly, chronic anxiety can interfere with your heart’s normal function and even cause your heart muscle to weaken, which could ultimately lead to heart failure. [16]
What’s interesting to note about this is that the conditions linked to chronic stress or anxiety also have something to do with magnesium deficiency. According to research, being deficient in magnesium impairs the ability of your cardiac and smooth muscle cells to regulate intracellular concentrations of sodium, potassium and calcium. [17] Without sufficient magnesium, these cells get depleted of potassium but retain excessive amounts of sodium and calcium.
As a consequence, the blood vessels and arteries connected to your heart begin to constrict, causing your blood pressure to rise. If left uncontrolled, high blood pressure can damage the blood vessels that supply oxygen to many vital organs, such as your heart, brain and kidneys. [18] This is why it’s important that you maintain healthy levels of magnesium, especially if you’re constantly under stress.
Aside from helping reduce stressful or anxious feelings, magnesium has been shown to support normal cardiovascular health. [19] A study published in the Journal of Clinical Hypertension reported that daily supplementation of 500 milligram (mg) to 1,000 mg of magnesium can help you maintain healthy blood pressure levels that are already within the normal range. [20]
Chronic stress and magnesium deficiency have also been linked to poor cognitive performance. In a study published in the journal BMC Geriatrics, researchers found that higher perceived stress at midlife was associated with a greater decline in the cognitive ability of older adults. [21] Meanwhile, a study by Qatari researchers found that low magnesium levels also contribute to cognitive decline in adults. [22]
But numerous studies show that supplementing with magnesium can support healthy cognitive functions. Specifically, a study published in the journal PLoS ONE reported that increasing brain magnesium levels can help protect and maintain normal learning and memory functions. [23]
When it comes to dealing with stress and anxiety, research has also identified several ways in which magnesium naturally helps reduce stressful or anxious feelings. As reported by a study involving athletes subjected to physical stress, daily magnesium supplementation can help lower levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. [24] Magnesium can also help you when you’re feeling stressed or anxious by supporting the normal regulation of brain chemicals, or neurotransmitters. [25]
There are two types of neurotransmitters in your brain: the excitatory neurotransmitters, which excite your nerves, and the inhibitory neurotransmitters, which block your nerves. Glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter, serves as your nerves’ “on” switch, while gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter, serves as your nerves’ “off switch. When too many switches are “on” in your brain, your nerves become over-excited, making you feel anxious or even depressed.
Having sufficient magnesium in your brain helps reduce these feelings because magnesium naturally blocks the release of glutamate, favoring the release of GABA instead. At the same time, magnesium acts as a natural modulator of GABA receptors, supporting healthy GABA activity. [26] Because GABA can turn off overexcited nerves, the release of GABA in your brain can help you feel calm, relaxed and at ease.
Magnesium’s ability to support normal GABA activity can also have a positive effect on your sleep quality. Stress and anxiety, which can make it difficult for you to sleep, have been linked to low levels of GABA in the brain. [27] On the other hand, people with healthy brain GABA levels find it much easier to fall asleep at night.
This means that maintaining healthy magnesium levels can help you get a deep and restful sleep, especially when you’re feeling anxious or stressed out. This is supported by a study published in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, which found that supplementing with magnesium is an excellent way to support good-quality sleep. [28]
When you’re under stress, your muscles naturally tense up as part of your stress response. This is actually your body’s way of guarding against pain or injury. [29] But when you’re suffering from chronic stress, your muscles remain taut and tense; over time, this can cause pain around your shoulders, neck and head as well as in your lower back and upper extremities. Magnesium, being an essential nutrient for supporting healthy muscle function, can naturally ease muscle tension caused by stress by helping your muscles to relax. [30]
Magnesium can also support optimal muscle performance, thanks to its role in normal muscle contraction and relaxation. In a study involving sports athletes, researchers found that magnesium intake is directly associated with physical performance regardless of energy intake. They believe that this can be attributed to magnesium’s role in supporting healthy energy metabolism. [31]
Speaking of energy, your magnesium intake can also influence your body’s energy levels. In fact, decreased energy levels and muscle weakness are both symptoms of magnesium deficiency and prolonged stress or anxiety. [32] But because magnesium plays an important role in the breakdown of glucose as well as the production of cell energy, adequate intake of magnesium from foods and supplements can help you maintain healthy energy levels. [33][34]
Another physical symptom shared by magnesium deficiency and chronic stress or anxiety is digestive issues. Because your digestive system needs magnesium to function optimally, having low magnesium levels can lead to poor digestion. [35] Meanwhile, in people with chronic stress, a deficiency in magnesium coupled with high levels of stress hormones can negatively influence bowel movements. [36]
Fortunately, magnesium can help naturally support digestive health. Because this nutrient is heavily involved in the digestive process, supplementing with magnesium is the best way to support healthy digestive functions. According to research, magnesium not only helps your body produce salivary enzymes that help break down food, but it also supports your stomach’s natural production of the digestive acid, hydrochloric acid. Magnesium is also required by your pancreas for the synthesis of enzymes that further help with digestion and nutrient absorption. [37]
Maintaining healthy magnesium levels comes with some additional benefits. According to a study published in the journal Bone, supplementing with magnesium can support healthy bones and optimal bone mineral density. [38] This is particularly beneficial for older adults, as humans naturally lose bone mass as they age. [39]
Magnesium can also support a positive mood, which is great for sufferers of chronic stress or anxiety. [40] A randomized clinical trial published in the journal PLoS ONE reported that supplementing with magnesium can naturally uplift your mood and help reduce anxious feelings. [41]
To recap, here are 8 wonderful benefits of supplementing with magnesium:*
- Supports optimal cardiovascular function
- Supports optimal cognitive function
- Supports optimal digestive function
- Supports strong, healthy bones
- Supports optimal muscle performance and relaxation
- Supports optimal energy levels
- Supports deep and restful sleep
- Naturally uplifts mood and helps reduce anxious feelings
Where to get clean, lab-verified Magnesium supplements
For male adults aged 31 and above, the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for magnesium is 420 mg, while for female adults of the same age range, the RDA for magnesium is 320 mg.
The best way to meet your daily magnesium needs is by eating plenty of plant-based foods and taking clean, lab-verified magnesium supplements. Some high-magnesium foods that you can incorporate into your diet are avocado, black beans, cultured yogurt, dark chocolate (70% cocoa and above), edamame, nuts (i.e., almonds, cashews and peanuts), quinoa, spinach, tofu and whole wheat. [42]
If what you’re getting from your diet is still not enough, you can boost your magnesium intake with two of the best lab-verified magnesium supplements on the market: Groovy Bee Magnesium Glycinate High Absorption 500mg Capsules and Chief Originals Magnesium Comfort from the Health Ranger Store.
One of the cleanest, high-quality magnesium supplements you’ll ever find, Groovy Bee Magnesium Glycinate High Absorption 500mg Capsules are made of pure magnesium that has been carefully chelated with glycine for optimal bioavailability. Glycine is a non-essential amino acid that plays a role in your body’s energy production. It can also be used by your body for protein synthesis.
When bound to magnesium, glycine helps protect the mineral from unwanted interactions, thus keeping it intact and ready for absorption in your intestine. The presence of glycine in our premium supplement is what makes Groovy Bee Magnesium Glycinate High Absorption 500mg Capsules one of the most bioavailable forms of magnesium you’ll find on the market.
Similarly, Chief Originals Magnesium Comfort provides chelated magnesium in the form of magnesium malate to ensure maximum absorption. This high-quality supplement combines pure magnesium and malic acid to naturally support healthy energy levels, encourage muscle relaxation and support healthy cardiovascular, cognitive and digestive functions.
Like our BSE- and TSE-free Groovy Bee Magnesium Glycinate High Absorption 500mg Capsules, Chief Originals Magnesium is a pure, lab-verified formula that contains no gluten, fillers or GMOs and is completely China-free and vegan. You can trust that both our magnesium glycinate and magnesium malate powders are also thoroughly lab tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology.
Support optimal physical and mental health by supplementing with our bioavailable chelated magnesium powders today!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any diseases.